for academic
easily manage your student volunteers and keep track on their mandatory scholastic engagements
automate the student volunteer recruitment process through easy-to-fill-in user registration forms;
centralize student volunteer data in the cloud;
organize student volunteers based on the volunteering opportunity topic or other criteria;
monitor volunteer attendance and generate reports;
create schedules for your university volunteering opportunities;
communicate with student volunteers straight from the dashboard of the volunteer management software;
volunteering benefits students tremendously at the beginning of their career paths and later in life: they gain work experience and improve essential life skills while helping someone and expanding their perspective.
Students who volunteer develop excellent collaborative aptitudes, resourcefulness, empathy, and a positive attitude.
It’s noteworthy that volunteering experience can aid in building an impressive resume.
tribu for universities provides the tools that help students find volunteering opportunities that match their capabilities and interests. At the same time, universities can benefit from using the software for better student engagement and community outreach.